It is hard to relax, get out of your head, into your body, and in the mood if you are suffering in pain “down there.” Genital and pelvic pain can be a real mood killer. One of the most common causes of genital and pelvic pain are Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). UTIs are typically caused by infections in the bladder and urethra.

There are a variety of factors that can cause bladder and urethral infections such as sexual activity (especially if you are not fully aroused before vaginal penetration), certain types of birth control, and even certain low quality products you use in the vaginal area.

Cheap, low quality, bath bombs made with heavy dyes have been known to cause UTIs especially in young girls.

This is why we are happy to announce that Naked Reverie Bath Bombs have been recognized as one of the top 3 Bath Bomb brands that won’t cause a UTI. [See]

Don’t let bad decisions on inexpensive, poor quality products ruin your “Me Time.” You deserve the best when it comes to taking care of yourself.